08/14/2009 20:57 Hours - Okay, that went over with a thud. What competition but who can blame you. It was a bad idea. M Lane gets the Flusser book and Blushing Hostess is awarded a runner up prize of the 1st Edition of 'Van Day Truex, The Man Who Defined Twentieth - Century Taste and Style' by Adam Lewis. Thanks to both M. Lane and The Blushing Hostess for two wonderful and very different stories.
Earlier this week I received the image above from Blushing Hostess. I thought it was hysterical and asked her to be my first guest poster. She came up with something about romantic interludes with Country Club staff but couldn't make it work. In the tradition of the New Yorker's, Cartoon Caption Contest, I am asking my readers to help the Hostess with a caption for this weeks Friday Belt. The Prize is my copy of the Alan Flusser classic, "Clothes and the Man." Entries must be received by Thursday, August 13th. Maybe I've discovered a way to get rid of a lot of crap.
that book is not crap.
Dusty Rhodes-
Of course it's not. I have two. I use crap as in, "I have way too much crap for a 850 sq ft apartment."
I figgered you were not referring to Daddy that way.
850? I've got 880 my man so I understand.
Tintin. It's on now.
Look out.
Your next post will start, "When I said, she couldn't make it work..." I meant, she was getting a killer tan - including her feet, a requirement of all distinguished guests to this palace of style and class, I believe. No?
Check your email you pita.
And the caption should be, "Future exhibit photo of sartorial object and booze belonging to coolest blogger girl on the net. Ever." Ob. Vi. Ous. Ly.
Pinot noir + Gucci ceinture + robe en poult de soie = partaite menage a trois. D
Blushing- Was it the public humiliation or do you really want that book? Pita
Edit to read parfaite menage a trois. Damn bifocals. I mean, sexy progressive eyewear. D
C'est fantastique, non?
School starts next week, no?
Must dust off trad uniform
How 'bout a drink first?
850? 880? You boys are rollin' in the space. I am about 800, up from 650 in the last place (9.5' wide!).
Meg...I've always been a bit of a real estate showoff
Teh next time you want an essay that day, just tell me and I will scratch it in blood! Man... Be well.
"High Society"
Let's see how many classic film buffs can figure out my caption. Never mind that figuring out captions kind of defeats the purpose.
And I've got 5,000 square feet. You poor, pent-up Yankees. Of course, I've got to come to your city to get decent food and fine companionship. See you this week, Tintin?
From "The Preppy Handbook: Missing Illustrations"--Always wear Gucci with Argyle.
Oh. NTB(New To Blog)
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